How do I narrow the footer?
Hi all,
I am currently running WordPress 3.01 and my website’s theme is FashionPress 1.0.
My website is
Now, I am very new to WordPress and blogging. I am still on a steep learning curve.
I would like some advice, in simple terms on how to narrow my footer at the bottom of the website’s page so that the footer is directly in line with the rest of my websites layout and falls directly within the A4 layout.
I have been spending hours resarching the internet to find out and solve this issue, but to no avail. I am now frustrated and pulling teeth.
Please help…..
There are two div tags at the bottom of your site:
<div id=”footer”>
<div id=”footerbox”>One of the two, maybe both, should have a width. My guess is currently thats set to 100%. What you’d need to do is give the div a set width and margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; in your CSS file.
If you can find those two ids in the style.css file and post them, should be able to help more if you still don’t understand.
Thanks Versipellis!
Do I find these div tags in the Stylesheet (style.CSS) or footer.php file?
I am looking at both right now!
The contents of my footer.php is as follows:
<div class=”clear”></div>
<div id=”footer”>
<div id=”footerbox”>
<?php if ( !function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) || !dynamic_sidebar(‘Footer Widget’) ) : ?>
<div class=”left”>
<?php _e(“Footer Widget #1”, ‘themejunkie’); ?>
<div class=”box”>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin semper ultrices tortor quis sodales. Proin scelerisque porttitor tellus, vel dignissim tortor varius quis. Proin diam eros, lobortis sit amet viverra id, eleifend ut tellus. Vivamus sed lacus augue.</div>
<div class=”left”>
<?php _e(“Footer Widget #2”, ‘themejunkie’); ?>
<div class=”box”>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin semper ultrices tortor quis sodales. Proin scelerisque porttitor tellus, vel dignissim tortor varius quis. Proin diam eros, lobortis sit amet viverra id, eleifend ut tellus. Vivamus sed lacus augue.</div>
<div class=”left”>
<?php _e(“Footer Widget #3”, ‘themejunkie’); ?>
<div class=”box”>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin semper ultrices tortor quis sodales. Proin scelerisque porttitor tellus, vel dignissim tortor varius quis. Proin diam eros, lobortis sit amet viverra id, eleifend ut tellus. Vivamus sed lacus augue.</div>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class=”clear”></div>
<!–end: footerbox–>
<!–end: footer–>
<div id=”bottom”>
<div id=”bottombox”>
<div class=”left”>Copyright ? 2009 “>
<?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?>
. All rights reserved.</div>
<div class=”right”>Designed by
<?php _e(“Theme Junkie”, ‘themejunkie’); ?>
. Powered by WordPress.</div>
<!–end: bottombox–>
<!–end: bottom–>
<!–end: wrapper–>
<?php if(get_theme_mod(‘track’) == ‘Yes’) { ?>
<!–begin: blog tracking–>
<?php echo stripslashes(get_theme_mod(‘track_code’)); ?>
<!–end: blog tracking–>
<?php } else { ?>
<?php } ?>
</body></html>The contents of my Stylesheet (style.CSS) is as follows:
Theme Name: FashionPress
Theme URL:
Description: A free theme for entertainment related blogs.
Author: Roy Guan
Author URI:
Version: 1.0
Tags: Fixed Width, Adsense Ready, Widget Ready, Advanced Theme OptionsChangelog:
v1.0 – 09/02/2008
Initial Release
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padding: 10px;
}Sorry for the long quotes guys!
I really don’t know what to do to fix this issue and that is really bothering me.
Your patience and advice would be greatly appreciate.
Just remember to talk in simplistic, step by step terms! I am not experienced in this stuff at all…..
Does anyone have any advice please?
This issue is very frustrating for me! ??
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