• I recently had a lot of problems with my blog that resulted in my losing all admin control (couldn’t save any settings, change themes, activate or deactivate plugins etc). I ended up wiping my whole site clean and reinstalling everything fresh. I’d exported my db from myPHPadmin and when I had everything running again I reinstalled it.

    All of the problems came back, so I just exported my posts before wiping everything out again. I’m trying to reinstall the posts, but doing it within WP gives me a “wrong kind of file” error message. The posts were exported into .sql files but its looking for some kind of RSS file?? I have no idea what it wants…

    Can someone please help me? I just want to reinstall my posts. I’m not techie at all, so please provide very simple explanations! Thanks.

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  • I’d exported my db from myPHPadmin and when I had everything running again I reinstalled it.

    It sounds like the cause of the problem is in the database.

    When you exported your original database in phpMyAdmin, I assume you exported the data as a .sql file?

    When you reinstalled everything, how did you import that .sql file. Did you do a fresh install, drop the tables, and then import the .sql file to recreate the database tables? That’s the way you should have done it.

    Thread Starter greatestates


    Yes the files were exported from phpmyAdmin as sql files, and I was trying ti import them using the wp import function… I didn’t realize it wants a wxr file so it didn’t work.

    So then I went back to phpmyAdmin and tried to re-import those files (they split into 2-3 files for some reason) and got this error message:

    ErrorSQL query: — — Dumping data for table wp_posts — INSERT INTO wp_posts (ID, post_author, post_date, post_date_gmt, post_content, post_title, post_category, post_excerpt, post_status, comment_status, ping_status, post_password, post_name, to_ping, pinged, post_modified, post_modified_gmt, post_content_filtered, post_parent, guid, menu_order, post_type, post_mime_type, comment_count) VALUES (4, 1, ‘2008-07-11 22:41:11’, ‘2008-07-12 05:41:11’, ‘This is where a number of samples of my writing will be stored. It is a non-public section and requires a password to access. I will provide authorized users with the password.’, ‘Writing Samples’, 0, ”, ‘publish’, ‘open’, ‘open’, ‘passwordcrc’, ‘writing-samples-password-protected’, ”, ”, ‘2008-07-18 16:48:49’, ‘2008-07-18 23:48:49’, ”, 0, ‘https://creativistcommunications.com/?page_id=4’, 4, ‘page’, ”, 0), (2, 1, ‘2008-07-04 21:57:13’, ‘2008-07-05 02:57:13’, ‘As an internet entrepreneur involved in[…] MySQL said:

    I asked my webhost live chat help person, and the moron re-imported my whole db – which has the corrupted files I’m trying to get rid of – instead of just the post/page parts of it. So now I’m back to square one and have to have them wipe my domain clean of all the files so I can start over.

    But my webhost doesn’t support wordpress and can’t/won’t help with just importing a portion of the db. And I can’t seem to get those files into the db by myself. Can someone just walk me thru the steps of how to ONLY import the posts, and not the rest of the db?? Thanks!

    I’m not sure just importing your posts table will work since they will be tied to other things in your db like your postmeta data, tags, comments, etc. But if you want to try it, you can open the sql dump in a text editor, look for the start of the post table…it should start with something like this:


    That will be followed by your actual post data. Delete everything in the sql file except for the wp_posts stuff (the table creation and the data) and save that file. Be sure to make a copy of your entire sql file first.

    Then login to phpMyAdmin and drop your wp_post table and import that sql file.

    Again, I’m skeptical that this will work. You would be better fixing what is corrupted in the original database.

    Thread Starter greatestates


    Believe me, if I could fix what was wrong with the original db I would have done it a long time ago. But I have no idea what’s wrong, and I’ve been posting about this here for a couple of months now and no one else seems to have a clue either.

    One person suggested what I’m trying to do now, which is just import the posts, which is why I’m trying it.

    Unfortunately, WP doesn’t come with any support. And the volunteers who post here can’t be relied on for help. So I’m stuck. If you know of another way, then please feel free to suggest it. But I’m doing the best I can with what resources I have.

    Exactly what do you mean by “drop your wp_post table and import that sql file” ??


    If you still have your original database backup (the .sql file) and would to email it to me, I will take a look at it and see if I can figure out what’s wrong with it. You can send it as an attachment to 234figaro432 [at] gmail [dot] com

    If it’s too large to email and you want to zip it and upload it to the web somewhere and send me the link, that will work also.

    Thread Starter greatestates


    Thanks – I’ll email it to you. I think I still have the gzip version.

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