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  • You have to demote them first. Click the “-” to the left of the user’s current level. When you reduce it to 0, they drop out of the “authors” section into the “registered users” section. You will then see a “delete” link.

    And how can i delete Authors withe the same level as myself, both level 10.

    @buxx admin will have to

    But i have 2 users in my WP installe, bothe are level 10 so admin. I tryes by logging in the bothe accounts, but neither showns me an delete of edit link in the userlist.

    Just because it has a user level of 10 does not mean its admin.

    Log in and look at “your profile” under users
    the true admin will have
    Username: admin
    and then whatever nickname you gave it to log in as.
    that is the only admin.

    Okay you have a point, but when logged in as admin i do can not delete the ohter (extra) user, mmh, strange.

    Can it be bevause the other user also has posts on his name?

    you can easily do this from within phpmyadmin ( grab it from install and enable it (including password protection) to read the database where your WordPress blog is running off. then access https://yourdomain/path/to/phpmyadmin/. select the appropriate database, then search and select the wp_users table (left pane), scroll up, and look forthe “browse” tab (right pane) –

    BUT before you dabble with anything related to phpmyadmin, please refer to

    it’s a very powerful tool to tweak and at the same time, wreck havoc your blog. if you want to, setup a dummy WordPress blog and learn how it works. ??

    Check, clear. But what will happend withe the post from that user i want to delete?
    Is there a way to move these tot another user?

    the admin can demote the other user.. then admin can delete him after getting it backdown to 0

    afaik, removing a user will also remove all posts associated with their account.

    Well i think there will no be an solutiopn for my problem, becaus all the option will not work.

    For th evlearness, here are my users, when i am logged in as admin.

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