• I’ve read the instructions, tried, and tried, and… I have not been successful. Sometimes I’ve made my pages disappear, but not the problem of the render blocking javascripts.

    How do YOU remove render blocking javascripts from your site? Can you describe it so that someone with little tech expertise can do it?

    I’m hoping so….


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  • Karen, see if this plugin will work. You can also try this plugin.

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    I tried the Speed Booster a while ago, without success. I’ll try the other one, which looks hopeful.

    Thanks! ??

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    What is enqueue script? is that what montezuma uses? re WP deferred javascript

    There’s a function called wp_euqueue_script() which is what is typically used to write a link for the script file out to the page. From what I can tell in looking at functions.php, Montezuma does call this function to load its scripts.

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    iPage made my sites unavailable to me due to hacking they said took place in WordPress. iPage seems to hate WordPress. They go on and on about how you can’t trust any of the plugins. I’m so distressed. Dealing with this since 7/1/2015. When pressed, iPage said there were “false positives” but I think they had to admit that because the “infected files” were in their certificates that my sites have wind powered hosting.

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    Okay, focusing.

    how are “effective use of CDN” and caching static content different?

    I had thought they were effectively the same, but on the speed tests I get a good grade for CDN, but an F for caching static content….

    I’m basically trying all the plugins again, in case the problems with iPage were affecting the results I received previously.

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    Hi CrouchingBruin, Do you know if speeds change at different times?

    I’ve been trying out the different plugins with different options selected. I record the time and test results. All of a sudden one is 10 points faster. I wonder if that’s because of the time of day? Do you know if there are times that speed is faster?

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    Also… can you venture a guess as to why one of the 4 sites I’m testing showed no change at all? The other 3 sites had improvements of different amounts.

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    Hi CrouchingBruin ~ I hope you had a wonderful 4th, and that today is just as great a part of the holiday!

    I’m retesting to see if the values remain the same. The site without any change… still has no change.

    I’m switching over to BlueHost. I wasn’t able to get my whole health-boundaries site to work yesterday, this morning it is working.

    Although I think iPage and SiteLock were scamming me, especially since later they admitted that there were “false positives” I want to have some security on my site, but not SiteLock, when I go to BlueHost. I think migration will be this week. Do you recommend any plugin for security?

    Thanks kanki…

    Hi, Karen. My 4th was relaxing, went over to a friend’s place for dinner. Hope yours was just as laid back.

    I personally don’t have any experience with security plugins. I would probably take a look at the plugin library and try the ones which have the most installations and which are highly rated.

    As far as speed performance goes, you might also post questions on the forums of the plugins that you’re trying. There are probably experienced users who can offer better tips on optimizing your load speed. I think I might have mentioned before that I haven’t really done any research into it myself, so my advice would be very limited.

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    As an aside, I just discovered that SiteLock considered the “certificates” from Wordfence as… malicious. Sigh.

    I hope your Sunday is just as relaxing and great as your Fourth!!!!


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