• I wrote an import app to create posts with several attached images. The files are already on the server under wp-content like so:

    wp-content/mygalleries/gal_a wp-content/mygalleries/gal_b wp-content/mygalleries/gal_c

    Just to be clear… the source images are already in gal_a, gal_b, gal_c.

    When I call

    $metadata = wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $attach_id, $filepath );

    …it properly generates the various thumbnails HOWEVER, it puts them in gal_a, gal_b, gal_c. To avoid confusion, I want to place the wp generated thumbnails in a subfolder like so:


    How do I ‘tell’ wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $attach_id, $filepath ) to look for the source file in gal_a, but put the generated imgs in gal_a/thumbs?

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    There does not appear to be any way to have the new images created directly in a different directory. Your best bet would be to hook the ‘wp_generate_attachment_metadata’ filter and physically move (by renaming) the files to the correct location, then update the metadata passed by apply_filter() accordingly.

    I suspect you may have other issues with other functions that assume all images are on the same path and do not check the metadata. Hopefully there are filters for these functions as well so you can set them straight.

    Thread Starter suntower


    I suspected as much. I used the separate folder to be compatible with another guy’s plug-in. I already was using the ‘rename’ strategy as a workaround but I am running into memory issues with this bulk import (ie. the code pegs my server CPU Usage after 10 or 15 galleries get imported.) So I’m trying anything I can think of to reduce any i/o operations.


    Thread Starter suntower


    BTW: I dunno where one puts in a ‘feature request’ but this is one I’d like to make. It seems so obvious.

    Moderator bcworkz


    There is a Requests and Feedback forum where you can post suggestions. The bug reporting facility (core.trac.www.ads-software.com/newticket) has an option for a “Feature Request”. Trac is really intended for WP experts who could actually implement a feature themselves if the only had core commit capabilities. Use care if following this approach to avoid appearing clueless and having your request ignored.

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