The widget you’re showing there is the core WordPress widget; it isn’t related to My Calendar at all. There is a My Calendar widget, however. In English it’s called ‘My Calendar: Mini Calendar’.
I don’t know what the exact shortcode is you’re displaying there; but it’s showing the full grid view, not the mini view, and it has multiple months enabled. That could be something enabled in the settings or in the shortcode; there are default settings configurable at My Calendar > Settings, though they can be overridden in the shortcode.
The My Calendar page does show the mini calendar, although, again, with multiple months displayed:
Did this site once have My Calendar installed before? I’m asking because this doesn’t look at all like a recent installation; it has a bunch of options enabled that are not enabled by default – like multiple months, and a very old default theme, etc. That would be possible if it the site had previously used My Calendar, then removed it but retained the old settings.
If that’s the case, I would suggest going to My Calendar > Settings and checking the box “Delete plugin settings on uninstall”, then uninstalling the plugin. That’ll allow you to reinstall the plugin with the current default settings, while keeping your old event data.