• Resolved xprt007



    I am having a small but significant issue with the frontpage layout, that however is only being noticed with content generated by recipepress reloaded.

    I am using the MesoColumn theme & with it, you can set posts on the frontpage under “Home Settings” instead of being listed the normal WP way, to have a selection of posts from selected categories like at https://www.aspectusafrica.com/ to be shown.

    On another site with this recipe plugin, whereas content, ie. for example the most recent 1 or 2 from other post categories is shown, there is just the “Recipes” main category title, or if you choose one of the subcategories under “Recipes”, you only have the title & empty teaser space.

    It would be great to have an excerpt from the recipe section to be on the frontpage, as recipes are a main component & not just the cat/subcat title. Is there any way to solve this? (Not a coder, here. ;)) This is the case => here

    See towards bottom of page.

    A solution would very much be appreciated.

    Kind regards


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  • Plugin Author Jan Koester


    I don’t really get your problem. I’ve installed the MesoCoulumn theme on my developing system and it works fine.

    So there are two possibilities:
    either I’ve (accidentally) fixed the problem in the upcoming release 0.7.3. Then you only have to wait a few days until this version will be released.

    The other possibility is that there is a bug affecting only your version of PHP. In this cas I will need the output of the error log of your server.

    Thread Starter xprt007


    Thank you for the quick response.
    I can certainly wait for the next release to see if it makes a difference.
    I checked out the WordPress errorlog & it has only 6 lines with such code:

    [15-Oct-2014 19:55:26 UTC] PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected '>' in /home2/abc/public_html/abcd.com/ha/wp-content/plugins/php-code-for-posts/PHPPostCode.php(59) : eval()'d code on line 3

    Or would changing to debug mode help?

    Oh errorlog of server? If thats what I have in the Cpanel (shared host)
    ” Your Current IP is: xx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    You may cross reference errors in the Main Error Log containing this IP to determine errors associated with your website.

    Please Note: The MAIN error_log is a shared log meaning that errors from all websites hosted on the server will be displayed as well as those for your website, be sure to reference your IP when searching this log.

    Error Logs
    [Mon Dec 1 12:01:19 2014] CURRENT SERVER TIME
    MAIN error_log:
    …. “

    Where can I send it? (If you used the contact form at the FIRST site referred to above …aspect.. & sent me your email, I would send what I have copied & pasted in a .txt file. Site is German, :(, but not hard to figure out page. ) … or is there a better way?

    Thank you & regards

    Thread Starter xprt007


    I forgot to mention the PHP version is: 5.4.34

    Plugin Author Jan Koester


    I think the wordpress log should be enough.

    You you please try to deactivate the php-code-for-posts plugin as it seems to cause the error while processing the recipe excerpts.

    Thread Starter xprt007



    I am actually using “PHP Code for posts” for some script that pulls content from an external source at the above mentioned second link to “Give away of the day” pages.

    I did however deactivate it & did not notice a difference.

    The /recipe/ page recipe teasers seem to be the same before & after & generally, I am satisfied with the output.

    Similar excerpts appear on the site frontpage IF posts are listed normally the WP-way, like if you use another theme and same with MesoColumn theme, everything OK, except if one changes to the specific MesoColumn theme setting where you have only the set number of newest posts per selected category being posted on the frontpage.

    Here, even with the “PHP Code for posts” deactivated, the “Recipe” category teaser of what in other posts is the latest post is empty.

    I hope this is what you were meaning …


    Plugin Author Jan Koester


    Well ok, then I know now that MesoColumn is causing the problem by handling excerpts differently. I’ll try to investigate this closer once I can find the time.

    Thread Starter xprt007


    any help would be very much appreciated.

    Thread Starter xprt007


    Small update:

    Probably a solution was not meant to be part of 0.7.3, but I just crosschecked all the same, just in case – so please take your time.
    The RPR category/categories spaces,as opposed to other blog categories in Mesocolumn remain blank on front page, if corresponding settings under “Home Settings” is activated.


    Plugin Author Jan Koester


    The problem you describe is actually a problem of mesoclumn.
    To display the featured category blocks on the homepage they create custom queries. These queries only look for standard posts. These queries are defined in lib/templates/home-feat-cat.php

    If you replace the default my_query1 by eg

    $my_query1 = new WP_Query(array(
    		'cat'=> $featcat1,
    		'showposts' => $featcat1_count,
    		'post_type' => array(

    both recipes and posts will be queried and displayed. Please ask the developer of mesocolumn to make the use of custom post types in thes queries possible. The easiest way might be to add an options field for this.

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