Hi, thanks for the reply.
I did install and activate the WPG2 Plugin but got some errors including:
WordPress Compatible? Success
URI to Gallery2 Ok? Success
Gallery2 can be located in G2 File Path? Failed
Gallery2 can be initialised? Skipped Due to Validation Error
Gallery2 Version Compatible? Skipped Due to Validation Error
Gallery2 Module: ImageBlock Active? Skipped Due to Validation Error
Gallery2 Module: ImageBlock Version Compatible? Skipped Due to Validation Error
Gallery2 Module: ImageFrame Active? Skipped Due to Validation Error
WPG2 Output Page Type? WordPress
WPG2 Gallery2 Rewrites Status? Off
Embedded Page is using what Header type? Simple
Embedded Page is using what Footer type? Simple
Using Which WPG2 Stylesheet? Internal
Error: embed.php cannot be located in the specified File Path.
WPG2 plugin cannot locate the Gallery2 installation.
Upon activation, WPG2 automatically looks for your Gallery2 installation in (Domain URL)/gallery2/, (Domain URL)/gallery/, (Domain URL)/photos/, (WordPress URL)/gallery2/, (WordPress URL)/gallery/, and (WordPress URL)/photos/. If your Gallery2 installation is in another directory, please go to the "WPG2 Paths" tab and enter your Gallery2 URL. embed.php
I thought I’d be able to fix this as I do PHP, but unfortunately can’t see a solution.
Any tips on tweaking?