To insert your newly created form into a wordpress page, follow these steps:
- go to the page editor for the page in which you want to insert your form
- click on the “formidable” icon that is right next to the “add media”, and “add image” icons in the upload/insert list (these icons are listed just above the content box)
- select your form from the top drop down list and check the boxes if you want to display the title and the description along with your form
- click the “insert form” button
This should insert a shortcode into your page editor that looks like this [formidable id=x] where the x would be replaced with your form’s ID.
For more details on shortcodes that can be used to insert forms into your site, see this page: Publish Your Forms
You don’t have to use the icon mentioned above to insert forms into your wordpress page. You can simply type in the shortcodes with the correct form ID’s if you’d prefer