There is no way to do it without changing the plugin’s code. I don’t like to write about how to alter the core, but here it goes:
Add the new feature to the $re_features global variable
Open the privatefunctions.php file and look for $re_features = array. Then add entries for the new features. The numeric index of each feature is important; that’s the value that gets stored in the database.
After I added a new Tennis Court feature, the array looks like the example below:
$re_features = array (1 => __('Pool', "greatrealestate"),
2 => __('Waterfront', "greatrealestate"),
3 => __('Golf', "greatrealestate"),
4 => __('Condo', "greatrealestate"),
5 => __('Townhome', "greatrealestate"),
6 => __( 'Tennis Court', 'greatrealestate' ),
To make things easier later, lets define a constant to store the numeric index of the new feature:
Update template to show the new feature
You have to update both theme/great-real-estate/listing-excerpt.php and theme/great-real-estate/listing-page-content.php and add the following code:
if ( get_listing_hasfeature( DARRYLR_GRE_FEATURE_TENNIS_COURT ) ) {
$third_line_attributes[] = __( 'Tennis Court', 'greatrealestate' );
if ( $has_town_home ) {
$third_line_attributes[] = __( 'Townhome', 'greatrealestate' );
The results
By now you should be able to see something like the screenshots below: