Hi @antdx
Glad you’ve solved the hooks setup, it was mentioned in the installation documentation. Your theme didn’t include the default hooks? This is quite common nowadays (since WP 5.2 more and more themes adapted).
Anyhow, let me provide some feedback on your comments after that:
Problem is now.. the button doesn’t stay in place? When scrolling. It should be a floating and fixed.
As I mentioned, this plugin doesn’t include any CSS. So if it should be fixed then you will need to add the CSS to make it fixed or include the button in an element that is already fixed.
When Enable front-end is checked (for it to work) the Position: Fixed in Edit Button > Advanced does not work anymore. I’ve tested it.
Enabling the front-end is required for the plugin to work. This option is for experienced JavaScript developers only who want to create their own frontend.
There’s issues such as not being able to have it slide over everything.
It ruins the Elementor Pro code, probably why they didn’t bother with sidebars in the first place but it can be coded in for each page.
I can imagine that there are some modules from Elementor that could have issues with how this plugin works. Like sliders.
However, did you check the compatibility mode for sticky/fixed elements?
You can find it’s setting in the plugin general settings. While it’s not as smooth on old devices I’ve found that this older use of CSS does fix many issues with elements that are fixed/sticky in the viewport.
I’ve removed it. Unless you are making a basic WordPress Site with a Basic Sidebar, this won’t work.
This plugin is more of a framework than a one-for-all solution. The configuration part is quite important as every theme is vastly different in it’s structure and CSS.
However, it’s compatible or can be made compatible quite easy with most if not all themes.
Since Elementor is a plugin, what theme are you using? Do you perhaps have a public link that I can go to for checking your issue?
Cheers, Jory