• It doesn’t sound like Exhibit will do what I want. So, I’m wondering if anyone else can help me find a solution.
    I am looking for something that will allow me to:
    1. Upload images to a post.
    2. Automatically create thumbnails.
    3. Have each thumbnail link to its original image, not a “wrapped” image but the actual image itself (i.e., https://www.mysite.com/images/image.jpg).
    The first two are really desires. I can live without them. However, the third one is something that I really need. I think I’ve tried all the image handling plugins, but I could have missed something. Can anyone help me?

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  • WordPress has a file upload capability built it. I use this all the time.
    I don’t use thumbnails because my PHP install doesn’t have the required graphics module, but this shouldn’t be difficult to set up.
    Note that after the file upload, WordPress gives you some HTML code you can use to put the image into your post. This text is easy to change. I have changed it in my set-up so I can use a special photo formatting CSS class.
    To do this, open /wp-admin/upload.php and change lines 206 and 208. In your case, you would want something like this:
    <img src="path/tn_imag.jpg" class="image_formatting" alt="This is an image" />
    image_formatting is a CSS class to format the image in your post.
    Now, for lines 206 and 208 you would need to reformat the tag symbols and quote markes with HTML entities, and you would have to do something different for the path. I can’t tell you exactly, since I don’t know where or how thumbs are stored. But if you know a little PHP, this should be enough to get you started.
    Honestly, no plug-in needed, as it is pretty simple.

    Thread Starter pezastic


    That’s regarding the uploading of images? Being a newbie, I don’t understand how to go about doing that.
    Regardless, my REAL need is to be able to place thumbnails in a post and have them link to the original images, as in request number 3.

    Open wp-content\exhibitimg\exhibit10p.php.
    Search for the line that reads:
    Just before that, insert this line:
    $ret = 'photo.'">';
    This will make every thumbnail link point to only the original image and will generally ignore any settings regarding popups or embedded images. Give it a whirl and let me know when it’s working. ??

    The other way is to upload images via WordPress (let WP generate Thumbnails) and afterwards use the Image Browser plugin to include the image into the post.

    Ah, but then you won’t have access to the flickr crosspost features when Exhibit 2.0 is released… ??

    I am not being able to upload images.
    I am getting this error message:
    Warning: chmod(): No such file or directory in /home/clasede/public_html/weblog/wp-admin/upload.php on line 177
    It says the file was uploaded successfully, but I can’t see it anywhere. Does it have to do with permissions?
    Thanks in advance,

    Please disregard last message, it had to do with the size of the file. Duh!
    Sorry, ??

    RM, when is Exhibit 2.0 expected to be released?
    I’m still your biggest fan, man ??

    Oops…that was me just above.

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