Great that you cleaned up the majority of the errors, and here are the fixes to the last ones. In XHMTL, tags cannot have capital letters. Change all capital letters in your meta tags in your header.php
template file and add a self-closing tag to the end of the meta tags, like this:
<meta name="description" content="Adventures of a health-minded Chef-wanna-be" />
The site is still looking fairly clean and good. The rounded corners on the recipes are okay, not noticeable, and maybe not worth the effort unless they are much more noticeable. Going after little details can wear you down.
Whatever you have in the background and the relationship with the content scrolling over it makes it studder and not scroll nicely at all in Firefox, but scrolls fast in MSIE.
A minor thing that I would like to see is more spaces between the recipes in the recipe category page. They feel really crowded and I don’t get a clean sense of separate recipes but a long line of text.
Also, the text in the recipes is crowded against the left and right edges. Add a little padding there so we feel the outside edges of the recipe background.
Looking good overall, though it does feel a little crowded. You might want to consider going with an elastic three column layout instead of the floated narrow middle, but that’s up to you. It reads fine and the colors are still very ice creamy.