• I’m helping some writers in varying degrees of competence by enabling them to be bloggers.

    Most are ok, but some of the writers just trash the post with several photos without any regard to the visual outcome. This makes a perfectionist loose his sleep !

    Any suggestions what settings / tools / plugins i could implement (other than training) to make sure the (images>text) or too large images don’t atleast break the theme.

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  • I don’t have a specific plugin to suggest, but what about this idea…
    If they are really wanting to learn how to be a true blooded blogger – lol – they will have to learn how to follow instructions, right?

    Why not do a tutorial showing them exactly how to do it the correct way, by creating either screen shots that you provide in a tutorial section on your blog. Or, you could use an open source service such as ScreenToaster, which allows you to do screen recording videos, so your users could see exactly the steps you take with your mouse etc, to create the correct visual outcome. Just an idea since a plugin doesn’t come to mind. Perhaps someone else here may have a plugin to suggest.

    This you probably already knew, but…depending on the number of writers, you could require them all (or just the offenders) to submit to you for review before publishing by downgrading their capabilities/role (Capability Manager). If nothing else, it gives them a “warning” to make them aware of the aesthetic the site should have – and you’ll be awake anyway so you may as well review/publish their posts, and send back drafts that are not correct…

    Additional plugins that may be helpful that I have found recently are:
    Peter’s Collaboration Emails to share the brunt of the work with others you trust
    Peter’s Post Notes to be able to communicate through the backend of WP

    hope this helps…

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