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  • Thread Starter martinlake14


    Thanks. I’ve downloaded it already but can’t find out what to do with it next.

    Anonymous User 11607829


    Hey there, the right place to put the plugin depends on where your WordPress installation resides. You will know you are in the right directory when you see a bunch of PHP files that start with “wp” like below:

    sftp> ls
    index.php                 license.txt               readme.html
    wp-activate.php           wp-admin                  wp-blog-header.php
    wp-comments-post.php      wp-config-sample.php      wp-config.php
    wp-content                wp-cron.php               wp-includes
    wp-links-opml.php         wp-load.php               wp-login.php
    wp-mail.php               wp-settings.php           wp-signup.php
    wp-trackback.php          xmlrpc.php

    Go into the directory wp-content, then go down into another directory called plugins, and here you can put the Send to Kindle plugin. Make sure it is unzipped, and WordPress should “notice” it and list it in the plugins screen.

    For more information, check out WordPress Codex page on Managing Plugins.

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