My apologies. It is stated.
It is not configurable at this time, it is however, automatically done on the following actions (wordpress hooks): activated_plugin
& deactivated_plugin
This is a list of all hooks that are automatically purged on:
return array(
'menu' => array( 'wp_update_nav_menu', 'wp_delete_nav_menu' ),
'post' => array( 'save_post', 'edit_post', 'trashed_post' ),
'page' => array( 'save_post', 'edit_post', 'trashed_post' ),
'cpt' => array( 'save_post', 'edit_post', 'trashed_post' ),
'tax' => array( 'saved_term', 'delete_term' ),
'cat' => array( 'saved_category', 'delete_category' ),
'widget' => array( 'wp_ajax_save-widget', 'wp_ajax_widgets-order', 'sidebar_admin_setup' ),
'customizer' => array( 'customize_save_after' ),
'gf' => array( 'gform_after_save_form', 'gform_post_form_trashed' ),
'acf' => array( 'acf/update_field_group', 'acf/trash_field_group' ),
'settings' => array( 'woocommerce_settings_saved', 'pre_set_transient_settings_errors' ), // no matter what, we'll purge on this
'plugin' => array( 'activated_plugin', 'deactivated_plugin' ), // no matter what, we'll purge on this
'updates' => array( 'upgrader_process_complete', '_core_updated_successfully' ), // no matter what, we'll purge on this