– option to set up batch sending, i.e. send 50 emails at a time every 5 minutes
Scheduling and message rate limits are coming
– bounce system? needed to keep a mailing list clean
This works if you send through us. And it will work with other sending providers in the not-too-distant future.
– autoresponder
Next release. Specifically double opt in with other auto responders coming later.
– bulk import to import an existing mailing list
It is already there. There just is not a file upload for your import. Just paste the contents into the bulk import box when clicking add a subscriber.
– subscription settings to allow subscriptions to different newsletters i.e. per category?
You can create multiple lists and make as many as you want public. We will be adding some additional controls to subscription management before the 1.0 release
– create a newsletter from an existing post?
this is already there, just not documented very well yet. To create a newsletter from an existing post in SendPress, you just need to create a new email and from the editor choose the SendPress logo icon in the toolbar. It will let you import an excerpt or a full post.
Hope that helps. Really appreciate the feedback.