• Resolved truebusinessman



    I have published articles (posts). If I rewrite articles (modify them, improve the content).

    How does the Cache Enabler plugin work in this case? The browser will be able to show a new, updated version of the article?

    Or will users still see the old version of the article (because loading old cache version for updated post)?

    Also can it affect SEO? I’m improving my old articles to improve SEO performance.

    Please help to deal with this issue.

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  • Anonymous User 16850768


    When updating content, whether it’s a page or post, you can define how you’d like the Cache Enabler plugin to handle clearing the cache. You can define the “Clear cache” setting (located in the Publish settings on a page or post) as “Completely” or “Page specific” so that when you make an update the cache is cleared according to the defined option.

    Thread Starter truebusinessman


    Thank you sir for answer!

    You are mean this settings, right? https://prntscr.com/nvis8f (screenshot).

    If I select option Clear cache: page-specific. When I update content, cache clearing for only this page. Right?

    Sorry for my bad english. Thank you sir again for answer. Hello from Russia!

    Anonymous User 16850768


    You’re welcome. Yes, that is the setting that I was referring to. Correct, when the “Clear cache” setting is defined as “Page specific” it will only clear the cache for the specific page that was updated.

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