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  • Moderator Kathryn Presner


    Hi there, could you explain in a bit more detail what you mean by “too much H1 (more than 20)”? Once I understand better what the issue is I’ll be glad to see if I can help.

    May be you have PRo version with mor functions?

    Able is a free theme and there isn’t a “Pro” version.

    Thread Starter Saintvittsdance


    There were to much h1 headings. Now i left 1 H1 on inner pages. For all titles i use H2 or H3.
    But i don’t know how remove this: <nav role=”navigation” id=”nav-above” class=”site-navigation paging-navigation”>
    <h1 class=”assistive-text”>Post navigation</h1>

    This is on every page.

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Can you link to a page where this is abnormal, i.e you don’t have 20 posts on 1 page?

    Thread Starter Saintvittsdance


    Link in the first post. Main idea of blog to show foto. If i show 10 posts on one page – there are 10 titles of post:
    <H1>: Post navigation
    <H1>: Москва. Новое время.
    <H1>: Выставка Москва глазами молодых 2013.
    <H1>: Московский парк Коломенское.
    <H1>: Зима в Коломне
    <H1>: Поздняя весна в усадьбе М.Ю. Лермонтова
    <H1>: Весна в Рязани
    <H1>: Летний салон МСХ
    <H1>: Мартовский день в Хотьково
    <H1>: Набережная в Коктебеле
    <H1>: 32 ежегодная молодежная выставка МСХ.
    <H1>: Post navigation

    I find all h1 classes in .php files and css, but i can’t remove this:<H1>: Post navigation. It is located in js small-menu. I’m just do my first steps, so it’s hard to me.

    For diagnostics i use seoquake plugin.
    Now, in sub level pages everythings look nice:

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Why in your opinion is having this many H1 elements wrong?

    Thread Starter Saintvittsdance


    I find tis hint in a lot of places. When there are more than one h1 on the page it could be cause of pessimisation by seaching systems. Sorry for prob. spelling mistakes. But now i can try it in practice with this blog and after few updates i’ll know for shure.

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    I would suggest using another theme, something that’s a bit old and uses HTML4. That’s the easiest option you have.

    Who told you search engines prefer HTML4 over HTML5 btw?

    Thread Starter Saintvittsdance


    I tell about Titles (h1,h2,h3, etc). Search engines prefer not spammy sites (with 1 h1 title). Because there are a lot of sites that use H1 everywhere. And I have positive experience of wining in little seo wars using 1 h1

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Okay, but if the diagnostics plugin was telling you this then you should get a second opinion.

    Have you seen this video?

    Thread Starter Saintvittsdance


    No,no,no. Diagnostics tells me that on blog page (main page, there are 12 h1) and on sub pages there is only one(thats nice). So i need to leave only one (like highlander =)) on main blog page (may be only site title). Or there is antother decision: use another template, but this is working fast….

    If you want to change those, you’ll need to create a child theme and then find where the h tags are output in the theme code – change those and also any corresponding CSS. It’s not a quick/easy fix.

    Thread Starter Saintvittsdance


    WPyogi, now – yes! But in Russia we have Yandex. And this beast has his own taste)))

    Thread Starter Saintvittsdance


    I have checked all .php and style.css too. Proble in java script. Bub there is antother problem – i don’t now js)))

    Moderator Kathryn Presner


    Putting aside the issue of whether multiple h1 tags on a page have a negative effect on SEO – since this is a controversial issue and this isn’t an SEO forum ?? – the file you’d want to look at is content.php, lines 10-12:

    <h1 class="entry-title">
      <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a>

    As WPyogi said above, the best way to make changes to a theme is to use a child theme, so your tweaks won’t be overwritten when updating the theme. Here are some guides in case you haven’t made one before:

    Let me know how it goes.

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