@yanou12, I checked your website in detail and spotted that you have installed the WordPress on a folder named “wordpress” and redirecting all the URLs except login page to root domain.
Ie; https://www.epave-enlevement-gratuit.fr/wordpress/departement/valdoise.html is redirected to https://www.epave-enlevement-gratuit.fr/departement/valdoise.html
As in the case of PWA, our plugin generates manifest and service worker within the “wordpress” folder (the folder which WordPress is installed by you). And only the files and pages which are https://www.epave-enlevement-gratuit.fr/wordpress/XXXXXX can only be cached and made into PWA. So once the URL is redirected (without the ‘wordpress’ in URL), the PWA cannot work – as the scope to website will be from “wordpress”.
You can change the website files from “wordpress” folder to root folder and change the database accordingly. Don’t forget to take complete backup of files and database before doing the files migration. Once you moved files to root domain, clear the cache if any caching plugin is used. Once these get done, I hope the PWA within your website will start working smoothly.