Hi @marketincdev,
Pls kindly make sure that you set up correctly as the instruction as below:
STEP 1: Create the attributes by navigating to WooCommerce >> Attributes, configure a name, slug then click on Configure the terms button to add terms.
If the attributes you need have already been created, you still need to check carefully if the terms are fully configured or not.
STEP 2: Go to the single product page, in the Product Data section, open the Attributes tab and check the drop-down list to make sure the attributes chosen are the ones configured in the Attributes section above.
Since WPC Linked Variations will display swatches buttons for linked variations, it’s important that all terms under each attribute be fully configured. If you click to create new custom attributes, then configure the terms in the Attributes tab of the product page, this won’t work and those attributes won’t be displayed in the swatches.
STEP 3: Make sure you have properly added the chosen attributes to all products that are about to be linked.
- The selected attributes for linked variation must be common for all chosen products.
- The terms used for variations must be distinctive in order to distinguish between. linked variations in the preview step.
For example:
The chosen Attributes – Color must be chosen in the Attributes tab of both product A & product B. The terms chosen for each item must be different from each other: Color – Blue for product A & Color – Red for product B.
Or both can have the same color but they need a second common attribute where they can be distinguished.
STEP 4: Navigate to WPClever >> Linked Variation:
- Configure a position to display the list of linked variations.
- Choose a preview style: in the same tab, new tab, or Quick View.