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  • Inside the root directory create a file with the name of “index.php” and paste the following code (All visitors will be redirected!!!!)

    I have omitted the PHP opening and closing tags due to security restrictions of this forum
    Header(“HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently”);

    What exactly would you like to achive ????
    Propably there is a better way for doing this .

    Thread Starter bblacklist


    The thing is my site is running in uk and i want to make it local classified u know i mean? if some open a site in manchester the my site should show him manchester local ad and my site url should be or i want a ciry redirect thats wat i want. and i ll detect user by their ip addresses.
    i hope explained it clearly.

    As I know it can be done with the “.htaccess” file or with PHP (I prefer PHP).
    This web-site provides a data-file and some PHP files . You have to make some slight modifications on these files , not a difficult proccess if you have basic knowledge of PHP .
    I made a test with the free version of this service , see it on my server . You can also use the paid version ( $20 per 50000 queries) .

    Thread Starter bblacklist


    yes someone said to me that u can do this with the help of directories sub/directories. i know the lil bit of php but once i cleared then i can do it to my own.

    the problem I see is how is wordpress – or the server – going to know what city someone is from? you can redirect according to country – but city?

    I think perhaps more realistic is your main page has links to user’s city and then is taken to page with their stuff.

    Thread Starter bblacklist


    u can detect user from their ip addressed once u have detected then u can take em to their respective pages etc.

    Thread Starter bblacklist


    or the other way is Hook into init action, detect where is your visitor from using some of available geoip solutions, and then use wp_redirect to redirect to the right url…

    good luck

    @samuel B

    the problem I see is how is wordpress – or the server – going to know what city someone is from? you can redirect according to country – but city?

    It’s posible to locate visitor’s location (country or city ) .
    I made a test on my server (with different proxy-servers) and it worked , visit this link .
    On WordPress create a page for each city : London , Birmingham , Manchester , Liverpool ……
    With a bit of PHP you can redirect visitor to the apropriate page .

    not really – how accurate is it?
    My ip says i’m from Dallas – I live over 30 miles away in Fort Worth – so being redirected to Dallas wouldn’t be relevant/
    so what do I do mow?

    I demonstrated the free version of this service , so it may not be 100% accurate for city-detection . The paid version ( $20 per 50000 queries) is probably more accurate .

    Thread Starter bblacklist


    On WordPress create a page for each city : London , Birmingham , Manchester , Liverpool ……
    With a bit of PHP you can redirect visitor to the apropriate page .

    good idea.

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