• My small personal website is listed in google. If I do a research entering some words or names specific to my site, the search engine will show me my pages.

    But, one month ago, I crated a blog on my website, and made a link on the main page. One month later, google still ignores my blog.

    Three days ago, I created a sitemap, created a google account, and everything seemed to be working.

    But my blog still is ausernt from google.

    Is this normal, after one month? How long must I wait?

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  • My sites usually popup within a day or so, are you doing anything with your blog like link farming that Google might not like?

    I usually just submit my site to Google and mention it here and there depending on the nature of the site.

    Thread Starter ludwin


    What does link farming mean?

    Moderator James Huff


    The typical wait for Google is anywhere from one day to three months. While you’re waiting, try implementing some of the suggestions found here: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Search_Engine_Optimization_for_Wordpress

    As for link farming:

    On the World Wide Web, a link farm is a large group of web pages created that contain hyperlinks to one another or a specific other page. Link farms are normally created by programs, rather than by human beings.

    The main purpose of a link farm is to deceive the indexing programs of Internet search engines that assign rankings according to the number of pages that link to a specific page. If the link farm works as planned, the search engine will believe that the promoted page is hugely popular because of all the pages that link to it and give it a high ranking. Search engine operators consider link farms an abuse and attempt to detect them, to remove them from their indices or penalize their content rank. Free For All link pages are a particular type of link farm.

    Search engines such as Google recommend that webmasters request revelant links to their sites (conduct a link campaign), but avoid participating in link farms. According to Google, a site that participates in a link farm may have it’s search rankings penalized.


    How does one go about registering their domain to be included in a search engine (Google, Yahoo, etc.)?

    You will be already – you registered here, so your link will be followed.
    Don’t worry – they find everything ??

    Moderator James Huff


    Podz is right, but if you want to push Google just a little bit, submit your URL and description once and only once to: https://www.google.com/addurl/

    Thread Starter ludwin


    Well, then: I will put the urls of my two blogs here:

    Moderator James Huff


    Ludwin, while you’re waiting for Google to stop by, you may want to improve your sites’ validation. Validation errors can sometimes have a negative impact on a bot’s ability to spider your site.



    Thread Starter ludwin


    lol… macmanx, thanks for that. I had tried this w3 validator, but I must confess that I don’t understand most of the errors I am supposed to have written. I learned html 10 years ago. I still write html chiefly by hand, and in my blog, I insert images manually, writng some code to displayy them. The validator does not agree with the way I do it… “Up to it”, am I tempted to say.

    It is not html any more, it is xhtml, right? Ok, do you think the reason why google seems to disregard my blog is that I don’t have clean xhtml code in my blog? Do you think that if I correct all this, it will be better?

    I am not sure, since the validator also finds many mistakes in my regular website, ludwin.net. But my regular website appears in Google. Only the blog is disregarded.

    Moderator James Huff


    Well, I can tell you that the first (and most critical) problem with https://ludwin.net/blog/ is that you have a blank line before the DOCTYPE declaration. Fixing that (move the DOCTYPE declaration to line 1) will probably take care of most the validation errors for that blog.

    Moderator James Huff


    The next thing to look for is how you close tags. <img> tags are closed differently in XHTML. For example:
    <img border="0" alt="Alternate Text" src="/images/image.jpg" />

    Notice the backslash at the end of the tag? That backslash closes the tag. If there is a backslash in any other location outside of quotes, then the tag will close at an improper location. For example:
    <img border="0"/ alt="Alternate Text" src="/images/image.jpg" />

    In the above example, the tag is improperly closed after the border value. The rest of the tag exists as an improperly nested <img> tag with no opening tag.

    Also, notice the alt="Alternate Text" value. This is very important to modern-day surfers. If an individual does not want to load an image, the alternate text will be displayed instead. An alt value is required for all <img> tags in XHTML.

    Moderator James Huff


    Next, take a look at your <li></li> tags. All <li></li> tags must be nested inside <ul></ul> tags. The <ul></ul> tags define a list, and the <li></li> tags define a list item. A list item must belong to a list.

    Moderator James Huff


    I hope those short tips were of some help. You can find more helpful tips and tutorials here: https://www.w3schools.com/xhtml/default.asp

    Thread Starter ludwin


    Macmanx, the first point you bring to my attention is difficult to solve, because I don’t see the blank line you mention. The source code starts with
    “<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd”&gt;
    <html xmlns=”https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml”>&#8221;

    And I did not see any blank line preceding the declaration in the header.php file.

    It will be easier to correct the image tags and the list…

    Thanks for your help anyway!

    Moderator James Huff


    Then the blankline is probably being caused by a blank line in a plugin file or a core WordPress file. It is obviously visible when viewing the source output of your blog.

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