I’ve tried modifying that part of the code about ten different ways for at least an hour and have had no success. If someone could tell me how to produce this output, I’d be highly appreciative:
“You can login with the following information:
Username: blahblah
Password: blahblah
Hello and welcome to the CHS Quote Book! I’d just like to make sure you’ve read the about page and are aware of the format and I figured I’d fill you in on a tip or two as well.
When you go to the “Write” tab, fill in the subject as Quote #XXX, and the Post section as follows:
<blockquote> "The quote"
<em> -- Person </em>
Explanation of quote if necessary.
You can do this by clicking the b-quote button (and subsequently getting rid of the space that appears about the tag), typing in the quote, pressing enter, clicking the i button, typing in the originator (– Person), clicking the i button again, clicking the b-quote button again and then, if you need to explain the quote for whatever reason, press enter, click the more button, press enter again, and explain the quote.
Once you’ve typed up the entry, choose the categories that apply on the right-hand side. If the category you need is missing, write a note at the bottom of your entry telling me what category is needed and I will take care of it ASAP.
Hopefully this makes complete sense to you, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask. Have fun and let’s get this quote book moving!
my email
PS: Don’t forget to change your password after you login. You will be able to do this in your profile.”
Sorry to be a bother, but I’ve seriously tried to make this work a ton of times and have had no luck.