• Resolved jamaicahomes


    There has been alot of talk about using APIs instead of the older methods. Please can you confirm if your sync method can handle upto 5000 properties and easily sync those properties on a daily basis which is required by some mls and companies?

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  • Plugin Author Property Hive


    Hi Jamaicahomes,

    Thanks for getting in touch.

    In response to your question about handling up to 5000 properties and daily syncing, I’m happy to confirm that our plugin does not impose any inherent limitations on the number of properties it can handle. We store properties using standard WordPress post types with post meta, and store media as standard WP media items.

    Any limitations are therefore often not at our end, but instead at a server/hosting level. It’s essential to consider that the performance and scalability of our plugin may be influenced by various factors related to your hosting environment, such as PHP settings, disk space, and server resources.

    While our plugin is designed to efficiently manage large volumes of properties and accommodate daily (or quicker) syncing requirements, it’s important to ensure that your hosting infrastructure meets the necessary criteria for optimal performance. This includes having adequate PHP memory limits, sufficient disk space for storing property data, and a robust server configuration to handle the data transfer process effectively.

    We recommend working closely with your hosting provider to ensure that your environment is properly configured to support the demands of importing and storing so many properties.

    In terms of the API you mention, if there is a particular API you are referring to please send through details and I’ll confirm if we can work with it, or can at the very least, look to add support for it.

    Do let me know if you have further more specific questions.


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