You can check out the FAQs in the plugin menu for more info, but here is basically what the plugin does:
There are two different types of redirects that the plugin can create – Quick or Individual. The Quick Redirects are intended for URLs that do not exist on your site (like maybe an old page called ‘/about-me/’ that you changed to ‘/about-us/’ and don’t want the old page to be a 404 error). Individual Redirects are for pages or posts that exist already, but you want to point someplace else (i.e., something like ‘/special-this-week/’, which could be a page that exists, but you want to point users to the actual special page when there is one available).
There are many reasons for both types of redirects (which I am not going to get into at this point), but both work similarly, with exception to WHEN they are triggered. A Quick Redirect is triggered when base WordPress functions are loaded – it overrides 404 error pages for any redirect set up – and does not need to load all of WordPress to trigger the redirect. An individual Redirect needs to load enough of WordPress to get the post meta for the current page so it can check if there is supposed to be a redirect or not. If so, it does the redirect on the ‘template_redirect’ hook.
Both Quick and Individual Redirects happen BEFORE any header output to the browser (with exception to an Individual Meta Redirect which is treated differently).
I hope this helps explain things a bit.