How to add a global Shortcode in this plugin:
just add in 2-click-socialmedia-buttons/libs/class-twoclick-frontend.php
the following code at the end:} // END function get_twoclick_buttons($var_iId = null) function twoclick_buttons_shortcode() { global $obj_TwoclickFrontend; return $obj_TwoclickFrontend->generate_html($var_sPostID); } add_shortcode('_twoclick_buttons', 'twoclick_buttons_shortcode'); } // END if(!class_exists('Twoclick_Social_Media_Buttons_Frontend'))
The PlugIn has to be set to Position: Manuell(Shortcode) it’s not a clean solution but I wanted to have as less impact to the PlugIn as possible, you will have to adjust the CSS a little for your needings but this solution works everywhere in WP not just in the posts.
Edit: some things are dodgy like the Links but this would be a start
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