• Hey, first off thank you for reading my question. I want my site to be driven by user posts, anonymous though so they don’t have to register. I want to moderate their posts before I add them to my website.. and I want each post to be in a box. An example of the functionality i want is https://www.fmylife.com but obviously my site is built around a different idea. How do I go about adding this functionality to my own website? The header will be different also. I will be using the Prose theme by Genesis. Should i use a plugin for these users to submit these posts? How do I go about having the posts show up on the main page, and how would I be able to categorize these pages in different categories.

    This is the Prose theme by Genesis: https://my.studiopress.com/themes/prose/

    I know this is a lot, I appreciate every piece of info you give me though, thanks in advance. Im a beginner but I aspire to make this website! Thank you for your help.

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