How to add another currency?
Hi Allen thanks for this amazing plugin,
I was wondering how can I add Mexican currency to your plugin with out affecting it. I need for pay papal to make the donation in mexican pesos. Address’s in Mexico use the same parameters as the US (street name, #, City , State, Zip code currency symbol). This plugin is being used for a quadriplegic foundation and it would be nice if we could use it with these parameter.
Thanks in advance.
Below is a list with all Mexican states and abbreviations for each
Aguascalientes = AG
Morelos = MO
Baja California Norte = BC
Nayarit = NA
Baja California Sur = BS
Nuevo Leon = NL
Campeche = CM
Oaxaca = OA
Chiapas = CS
Puebla = PU
Chihuahua = CH
Queretaro = QT
Coahuila = CO
Quintana Roo = QR
Colima = CL
San Luis Potosi = SL
Distrito Federal = DF
Sinaloa = SI
Durango = DG
Sonora = SO
Guanajuato = GT
Tabasco = TB
Guerrero = GR
Tamaulipas = TM
Hidalgo = HG
Tlaxcala = TL
Jalisco = JA
Veracruz = VE
Mexico = MX
Yucatan = YU
Michoacán = MI
Zacatecas = ZA
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