Here is your thermometer.js code:
which code i need to install :
// JavaScript Document
var wpchimg;
var wpch_target;
var wpch_current;
function drawLiquid(ctx, iTempToYCoord) {
/* Draw red rectangle to represent the fluid in the glass tube
* Coordinates you Y and are fixed!
* TODO: Calculare Y coord base on image X,Y
* Fixes : calculations to apply for this plugin only...
var iX_POS = 82,
iY_POS = 11,
iY_OFFSET = 400,
iWIDTH = 30;
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(211, 5, 5)";
// Draw rectangle from 0 to Current value
var ratio = 275 / wpch_target;
iTempToYCoord = wpch_current * ratio;
var y_start_coord = (275 - iTempToYCoord) + 50
//Self explanatory...
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/msie/i) && navigator.userAgent.match(/6/)) {
var _mtop = Math.round( -(120 + iTempToYCoord) + (iTempToYCoord * .175));
jQuery('#wpch_cti_img').css({ 'margin-top' : _mtop+'px', 'position' : 'absolute' });
var _mtop = Math.round( -(120 + iTempToYCoord) + (iTempToYCoord * .175));
jQuery('#wpch_cti_img').css({ 'margin-top' : _mtop+'px', 'position' : 'absolute' });
ctx.fillRect(iX_POS, y_start_coord, iY_POS, iTempToYCoord );
function imgOnLoaded() {
/* Simply grabs a handle to the canvas element and
* check the context (Canvas support).
var canvas = document.getElementById('thermometer'),
ctx = null,
iTemp = 0,
iRatio = 0,
iTempToYCoord = 0;
// Canvas supported?
if (canvas.getContext) {
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Draw the loaded image onto the canvas
ctx.drawImage(wpchimg, 0, 0);
// Draw the liquid level
drawLiquid(ctx, iTempToYCoord);
} else {
alert("Canvas not supported!");
function draw() {
/* Main entry point got the thermometer Canvas example
* Simply grabs a handle to the canvas element and
* check the conect (Canvas support).
var canvas = document.getElementById('thermometer');
if ( !canvas ){ return; }
// Create the image resource
wpchimg = new Image();
// Canvas supported?
if (canvas.getContext) {
// Setup the onload event
wpchimg.onload = imgOnLoaded;
// Load the image
wpchimg.src = jQuery('#wpch_therm_img').attr('src');
} else {
alert("Canvas not supported!");
function setTempAndDraw() {
/* Function called when user clicks the draw button
//var _current = document.getElementById('wpch_cti_img');
var temp = document.getElementById('wpch_cur_data_txt_value'),
slider = document.getElementById('wpch_slider');
if (temp !== null && slider !== null) {
temp.value = slider.value;
wpch_current = slider.value;
var _symbol = jQuery('#wpch_frm_data_currency option:selected').text();
please give me direction.