I recommend creating a filter, which hooks to this one:
apply_filters('asl_result_content_after_prostproc', $r->content, $r->id);
This hook point provides a way to access the content after post-processing along with the post ID.
Sample usage:
add_filter( 'asl_result_content_after_prostproc', 'asl_add_some_meta', 1, 2 );
function asl_add_some_meta( $content, $post_id ) {
$some_meta = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'meta_key_here', true );
return $content . " - ".$some_meta;
So basically this filter function gets a meta tag by name ‘meta_key_here’ and appends it to the content.
In the file includes/search_content.class.php you can find many other filters that might be useful for you.
Best regards,
Ernest Marcinko