• Hi,

    I’m testing Twenty Twenty-Two theme and I just can see three options in font family settings: Default, System font and Source Sans Pro.

    How can I add more fonts to this list? I would like to add more and assign a sans font to headers.

    Is this possible? I can’t find any way to do it.


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  • I *think* you have to add the extra font information in the theme.json file, by editing this section:

    “typography”: {
    “dropCap”: false,
    “fontFamilies”: [
    “fontFamily”: “-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,\”Segoe UI\”,Roboto,Oxygen-Sans,Ubuntu,Cantarell,\”Helvetica Neue\”,sans-serif”,
    “name”: “System Font”,
    “slug”: “system-font”
    “fontFamily”: “\”Source Serif Pro\”, serif”,
    “name”: “Source Serif Pro”,
    “slug”: “source-serif-pro”

    Hi there! If you’re comfortable editing theme files, then yes, in order to make more fonts available, you’ll need to add font families there to that area of Theme.json:


    You’ll also need to use a separate function to enqueue the font files like you would in any other theme. Twenty Twenty-Two handles that here for its default font:


    Eventually, a fonts API should hopefully allow theme authors a way to handle this entirely from within theme.json.


    For users who want to add more fonts to their site and aren’t comfortable making these changes, I’d suggest looking to see if a plugin exists that does this for you.

    Thread Starter axsu


    Hi @timoelliott and @kjellr,

    Thank you very much for your answers, but I’m not comfortable editing code. ??

    I like the theme so I’m going to wait for a while, maybe they will add more fonts.

    I don’t understand why everyone says “Don’t install too many plugins” but the solution for many basic things is always “Install a plugin”. ??

    I too was looking for a solution to add more fonts without changing the code.

    I added this module that add google fonts to my site – and everything looks o.k. – but still in the header section it’s the wrong font.

    So I added this to my CSS via the Dashboard => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS:

    * {font-family:”Courier New”, Courier, monospace}

    And I think now it’s working.

    I really hope that in next releases changing fonts will be added to the theme directly


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