Ok, I found the issue. Two things.
If I use this url:
it seems fine at first call, but if I use this url instead:
(notice the trailing slash removed after /cart)
I get the warnings. This is because of another redirect. So, you have to use the first url.
Ok, so far so good using the first url. But opening the cart for a second time it will shows the warning ‘coupon already applied’ on the second call. The reason seems to be the minicart, the minicart is called by ajax with &apply_coupon=… as well. This could be a quick fix:
In includes/wjecf-autocoupon.php please find this line (line 35 if you use the latest version):
add_action( 'wp_loaded', array( &$this, 'coupon_by_url' ), 23);
and replace with:
if ( ! is_ajax() ) {
add_action( 'wp_loaded', array( &$this, 'coupon_by_url' ), 23); //Coupon through url
This should fix it. I will patch this in a following release of my plugin.