Hello @tomnikkola,
That makes sense on the thinking. You should be aware however that the more show notes you have the better even for mobile. Unless you write 20+ page stories in your blog posts, you have nothing to worry about as far as show note length. The reason this is a good thing is for podcast SEO; Google now indexes podcast feeds for Google search and podcasts are starting to appear at the top of search results similar to how YouTube videos appear at the top. As for Apple, the content:encoded looks beautiful within the Podcasts iOS app by Apple.
To achieve what you want (I strongly do not recommend doing this):
* WordPress Settings > Reading page, make sure the option “For each article in a feed, show” is switched to “Summary”. This removes the content:encoded from your RSS feeds. Your blog post content will no longer go directly into the feeds.
* PowerPress Settings > Episodes tab, check the box ” iTunes Summary Field” then click ‘save’.
Now when you edit your blog posts, you can customize your iTunes summary. Keep in mind if you leave the iTunes summary blank, PowerPress will use your blog post but strip out HTML other than what is accepted by Apple podcasts. The iTunes summary for the most part is optimal only for the desktop, but in your case you most likely are not concerned with many paragraphs and bullet lists, your only concern keeping brief info in the page and limiting your links so the Summary should be sufficient.
The iOS podcast app is the main podcast app and garnishes 50% or more market share, the next most popular app is below 10% market share. iTunes desktop has fallen below 5% this past year, we predict the desktop app being phased out by Apple in the next 1-2 years.
Just a re-cap the feed values…
<content:encoded> – Blog post content
<itunes:summary> – PowerPress Episode box setting or if blank, a stripped down version of blog post content
<description> – a text only (no html or links) character limited version of the blog post content. Alternatively you can enable editing the “Excerpt”, this is a built-in WordPress option. The excerpt is used as the <description> tag if set. In recent years WordPress has buried the Excerpt option, most users are unaware of its existence.
iOS podcast app will display the <content:encoded> tag in the feed, if it is not present, the <itunes:summary> is used, and if that is not present, the <description> tag is displayed.
Desktop iTunes app is not aware of the <content:encoded> tag in feeds, thus it uses the <itunes:summary> first then falls back to the <description> if not set.