• theluminousroom


    I have three to five blogs out there that I would like to move from Blogger. I have WP 2.7 on my server and would like to incorporate these other blogs on their ow pages in the structure of my current site.

    Is this possible? I have found many asking, but no real resolve. Can any one point me to a page with a step-by-step?


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  • MichaelH


    would like to incorporate these other blogs on their ow pages in the structure of my current site

    Meaning you have one domain? So you want to merge the posts together in one site but use some mechanism like categories or custom fields to differentiate the ‘sections’?

    Thread Starter theluminousroom


    Meaning you have one domain? So you want to merge the posts together in one site but use some mechanism like categories or custom fields to differentiate the ‘sections’?

    No… A have 5 blogs in my blogger account. they are five sepperate blogs not related at all. I have moved one blog over and made it my main page in wordpress. Now I want to bring the others over and integrate them as THEIR OWN PAGE in my pages… unless there is another way.

    I definitely do NOT want it mixed in with my main blog, it is totally unrelated in that setting.

    For example I would have main blog page about music, I would have other pages about music, an “About Me”, “Calender”, etc. I wish to also have another couple of pages… one with my “Business blog”, one for my “Aviation blog”.

    Google makes this simple, a list of your blogs under your account, however, WordPress… Not so much. Is there a way?



    Check this out on setting up multiple blogs, and then you can create pages that link to them, so they look as if they are a page, but they are a separate full blog.


    Thread Starter theluminousroom


    @buddha trance
    Thanks, looks like this is what I am looking for. I’ll let you know.

    Thread Starter theluminousroom


    Check this out on setting up multiple blogs, and then you can create pages that link to them, so they look as if they are a page, but they are a separate full blog.


    I thank you for your info… Very helpful and I now have my 4 blogs setup, however, it now leads me to a new scenario. let me describe what I want to do and you tell me if it is feasible.

    My main blog, has a mashup of the other three disciplines. I post everything to my main blog, however, I would like to categorize my posts so that when I post with say a category called photography, my post is copied to my Photography blog.

    With this setup I would be able to post to the other WP blogs your video helped me setup, but from the posting to my main blog.

    I hope this makes since.



    I am not sure I understand what you mean.

    You have 5 blogs that you wanted to keep completely separate.
    But you have one main blog with 3 supplemental topics you want to categorize, separate from the other 4 blogs?
    Am I understanding correctly? Or do you want to copy the posts into the 4 separate blogs you installed?

    If you want to copy from one blog into another installation, I can think of RSS feeds, which you can pull by category


    If you want to pull a specific category onto a page called “Photography”, as part of the main blog, but with separate sections, you can create a page that uses a template pulling only that category. I have written a post explaining this, see if it does what you are looking for https://www.buddhatrance.com/creating-pages-with-a-separate-loop-in-wordpress

    To keep the main loop complete with all categories, and have the “photography” page as a categorized copy of your posts, skip the part that excludes the category from the index, and leave index.php of your theme as is.

    This setup works from within the same blog.

    Hope this helps

    Thread Starter theluminousroom


    Thanks so much! I’ll check this out.

    I think it may be the RSS choice, not sure.
    The two examples you gave popped a 404 error.



    The two example.com are just a fake link… it was an example on how to pull a category feed (even in backticks and code tags, it still came out as a live link) ??

    Thread Starter theluminousroom


    I am still not getting it. So I have this page, which is a second install, at https://www.heathmcconnell.com/wp_theluminousroom

    Lets say I start creating a few posts on my root page blog using photography as a category. How do I get those to start showing up in the blog link above?

    Would I have to merge those posts at the above link to the root page and then set up a new main Luminousroom page to fill-by-RSS?



    See if the code from this site works for you
    scroll down to where it says “Bonus”

    You could try to add the code mentioned there to index.php of the theme of the second install. On the line that says



    query_posts('cat=7'); with the appropriate category number.

    Or look at this plugin

    P.S. – great looking site you have!

    Thread Starter theluminousroom


    I will take a look at this when the house quiets down later tonight.

    I appreciate your help.

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