• Hi,

    I am trying to make a industrial directory using latest version of word press(2.5.1) [Please note that I do not want to use word press MU for my application ]

    Problem Details
    I want to assign user post/page wise so that they can edit / add information directly.

    To make the issue simple & easy to understand say my post URL is https://www.domainname.com/exporters/companyname.html

    Now I want to create a user and want to assign the above URL so that he can directly manage it.

    There may be 20000 post URLs like that and there may be 20000 users.In simple word I want to create a simple page and I want to assign a user to it.

    Is it possible to do that ?Is there any pluging available ?

    Thanks & Regards,

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  • Thread Starter obiztek


    Any comments please.

    This is going to make the system very flexible and useful.

    Basically whole idea is to have word press with every post assigned a specific users.

    I know that WordPress MU exist for multiple blogs but instead of multiple blog I want to assign user to their respective post which will be a simple approach.

    Thanks & Regards,

    Do you understand the concept of “fitness for purpose”? Certainly everyone should be praised for pushing the envelope with the tools they use, but there’s a point at which it becomes ridiculous.

    You’re playing tennis with a slice of cheese, do you not see that?

    You need to be looking at much lighter ways of achieving your directory concept, than wordpress, or at least something with a little user security already built into it.

    You’ve already posted half a dozen threads about your new project… it’s as if you’ve found wordpress, now the rest is up to us to do for you. Go, break new ground, forge a new path if you think you can, just don’t make it our problem.

    I agree. It’s great to love WordPress for all that it can do. But it’s not the end-all, be-all of existence any more than TextPattern, Movable Type, Expression Engine, CMS Made Simple, Drupal, Joomla, or any other CMS/blogging app is. Each has strengths and weaknesses. Each has something they do well. WordPress has quite a few things it does well and a lot of people are embracing it now; it almost seems like a pandemic. (I fear WordPress will be to blogging and web sites what AOL was to the Internet some years ago.)

    For what you want to accomplish, it would seem that there are myriad other applications/CMSs out there that would do it straight out of the box, or through a module. Strong-arming WP into being something that it’s not is just going to frustrate you in the long run.

    For the kind of functionality you want, allow me on this WP forum to suggest that you try CMS Made Simple and its Front End Users module (https://www.cmsmadesimple.org) or Drupal and its group nodes (https://www.drupal.org). There are a few others that I believe allow user/group controlled content like Plone and Typo, but those might be overkill for even your lofty ambitions. ??

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