@simsonic, your blog seems established now, from your last post on this thread, it seems that the hard work you have been putting on your blog has finally started to work.
About your posting frequency, one post a week is way too low, for getting more traffic and making a bigger blog, you need to post daily. Also, would suggest you to accept guest posts, make a guest post page on your blog.. that way, when you won’t be able to write much, you can accept some guest posts to keep the posting regular.
Apart from that, here are a few other suggestions:
1) Get a logo, a brandable logo helps to build an audience base for your blog, that way you will build regular readers,
2) Let users comment without logging in, if you are worried about spam, use akismet and bad-behavior plugins,
3) Use feedburner for feeds.
4) Get some social voting buttons on the blog posts, that way you will gain more facebook shares and tweets etc.
overall you did good progress, keep it up,