• I am creating a shop for an art gallery website. Instead of using a Shop page, I am displaying the artwork for sale on each artists’ page.

    I am using the shortcode: [product_category category="artist_name"] to automatically list any of that artist’s work on his/her page. It’s working so far but I would like to change the “Add to Cart” button to say “Read More” and link the button to the product description page.

    Any suggestions?


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  • I would like to know how also.

    I also am looking for an answer to this.


    I would recommend as an alternative to change strings following this guide:


    Thread Starter webmakerholly


    Ameraz, I appreciate your suggestion but I’m sure there must be an easier way than tricking the translation source.

    There must be a template page that specifies the name on the button and where the button links to. I’m a PHP novice so I’m having a hard time finding it but I’m sure it’s in there somewhere.

    Do the developers read this forum? Anyone???

    news anyone? I am having the same problem.


    I was also trying to figure out a way to do this, fortunately for me all the products I wanted to have the Read More button on were virtual products so I amended this part of the add-to-cart.php file:

    default :
    				if ( $product->is_virtual() ) {
    					$link['url'] 	= apply_filters( 'not_purchasable_url', get_permalink( $product->id ) );
    					$link['label'] 	= apply_filters( 'not_purchasable_text', __( 'Read More', 'woocommerce' ) );
    				} elseif ( $product->is_purchasable() ) {
    					$link['url'] 	= apply_filters( 'add_to_cart_url', esc_url( $product->add_to_cart_url() ) );
    					$link['label'] 	= apply_filters( 'add_to_cart_text', __( 'Add to Cart', 'woocommerce' ) );
    					$link['class']  = apply_filters( 'add_to_cart_class', 'add_to_cart_button' );
    				} else {
    					$link['url'] 	= apply_filters( 'not_purchasable_url', get_permalink( $product->id ) );
    					$link['label'] 	= apply_filters( 'not_purchasable_text', __( 'Read More', 'woocommerce' ) );

    I am overriding the Woocommerce theme with my own so I don’t have to edit the file each time I upgrade.

    Not sure how helpful that is but it might give you some idea of how you could approach it for your own needs.

    Hi, I stumbled across this as I was looking for any forum threads related to [add_to_cart]. Although it doesn’t immediately fulfill all the requirements to display the content exactly as the product_category shortcode you can get similar results using the oik plugin and the oik-fields plugin (which you can download FREE from oik-plugins.com )

    Instead of using
    [product_category category=”artist_name”]
    the shortcode you’d use is
    [bw_pages post_type=product product_cat=”artist_name” format=”TI/E_Me” fields=_regular_price]

    If this is of interest AND/BUT you need more explanation please reply.

    I’ve created an example of the above suggestion.


    Note: It’s interesting that WooCommerce displays Read More for products which aren’t priced!

    @kiseki Studio: THank you for taking the time to paste your code! Sure it puts me in the right direction.
    @bobbingwide: I’ll defenitely look into this plug in. Thanks.

    Funny how this issue on Jigoshop is solved as part of the setup options ….. to bad some other parts do not work as well ….




    If someone still needs help regarding the issue described in the subject:
    you can do that by using the template files.

    1. the template file you are looking for is add-to-card.php, you can find it in \wp-content\plugins\woocommerce\templates\loop
    2. in order to override a template you simply need to go in your current theme folder (my case: themename-child) and create a similar folder tree (in this case \woocommerce\loop) – exclude the templates folder from this tree!
    3. copy the template file and make your changes

    This is it – should work now. More info here:

    This works for all template files, so you can safely use it to make further enhancements to your site.

    Source: I did that for my custom child-theme as I didn’t want to use localization. The settings should remain after the plugin & theme update – I didn’t check if the setting remain after the update because I worked with all the latest updates included.


    If someone still needs help regarding the issue described in the subject:
    you can do that by using the template files.

    1. the template file you are looking for is add-to-card.php, you can find it in \wp-content\plugins\woocommerce\templates\loop
    2. in order to override a template you simply need to go in your current theme folder (my case: themename-child) and create a similar folder tree (in this case \woocommerce\loop) – exclude the templates folder from this tree!
    3. copy the template file and make your changes

    This is it – should work now. More info here:

    This works for all template files, so you can safely use it to make further enhancements to your site.

    Source: I did that for my custom child-theme as I didn’t want to use localization. The settings should remain after the plugin & theme update – I didn’t check if the setting remain after the update because I worked with all the latest updates included.

    Excellent! Thank you so much Makapa! This way my changes remain safe from theme and woocommerce updates! I have tried this and it workd flawlessly! ??

    basically, leave the price off when youre creating the product.



    So is it possible to have that button even with the price ?

    Hi All,

    The below code works for me using WordPress 3.8.1 and WooCommerce 2.1.2. It will replace the “Add to Cart” button for Simple products on the Shop (product list) page with a “Read more” button that links to the single product page.

    In functions.php add the below code to remove the “Add to Cart” button:

    remove_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', 'woocommerce_template_loop_add_to_cart', 10 );

    Now, add this code to create your own button:

    add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', 'my_woocommerce_template_loop_add_to_cart', 10 );
    function my_woocommerce_template_loop_add_to_cart() {
        echo '<form action="' . get_permalink() . '" method="get">
                <button type="submit" class="single_add_to_cart_button button alt">Read More</button>

    I’ve only tested in one theme, and haven’t tried it using shortcodes. Hope it helps!



    Roy Ho


    This is all you need:

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link', 'change_add_to_cart_loop' );
    function change_add_to_cart_loop( $product ) {
        global $product; // this may not be necessary as it should have pulled the object in already
        return '<a href="' . esc_url( $product->get_permalink( $product->id ) ) . '">READ MORE</a>';
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