The listed solution is not viable in many cases, for example if you painfully imported a large database of properties from somewhere else.
You could remove the add_square_foot filter, which is in the /lib/default_api.php
Of course you should NEVER edit the plugin’s files: your changes might break something or btw be completely wiped from the next update. So just paste this snippet in your child theme functions.php :
/* Change sq. ft. to m2 */
//disable filter add_square_foot
function disable_add_sqft() {
remove_filter( "wpp_stat_filter_area", 'add_square_foot' );
add_filter( 'wp_loaded', 'disable_add_sqft' );
//create filter add_square_meter
function add_square_meter( $area ) {
return $area . __( " m²", ud_get_wp_property()->domain );
add_filter( "wpp_stat_filter_area", 'add_square_meter');
This will override the function which appends sq. ft. to the area. Please note that the ” m²″ bit stands for m2, but you can substitute that with any other notation or unit that you intend to use, such as ‘mq’ or ‘acres’ or anything else.
This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by