Hi @jordan141431,
I found this solution few minutes ago by @yordansoares:
In the Lite version of WP Customer Reviews you can’t change this labels directly, but there is a little toilsome way to do it. I will assume that you have already installed the plugin::
1. Go to “[WP plugin directory]/wp-customer-reviews/include/templates/”.
2. Here you will find 10 files that has several strings written in english that you can translate to your language.
3. Choose the file do you want to translate and open it with a code editor. (e.g. frontend_review_form.html)
4. Translate the strings to your language and then save.
5. Now you must to Deactivate the plugin and Activate it again to apply the changes.
Please notice that this way to edit the text strings can be overwritten when a new update is apply. The developer will offer the option to edit template and styles in a Pro version, but this one isn’t available already.
This reply was modified 3 years ago by