• In the features it says we can now change the language of the plugin. How does one do that? Ive looked everywhere and didnt see the option?

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  • I have the same issue. Inside plugin’s “languages” folder there are lot of .po and .mo files but putting files inside it doesn’t work. There are also some json files and there’s no documentation about. I wrote to their Slack group but without response yet.

    I link my question to this one: How can I translate the plugin?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by giangel84.
    Plugin Author andrewmrobbins


    @giangel84 @melinaln

    Do these steps work for you?

    1. Define WPLANG inside of wp-config.php to your chosen language. For example, if you wanted to use French, you would have:

    define ('WPLANG', 'fr_FR');

    2. Go to wp-admin/options-general.php or “Settings” -> “General”
    3. Select your language in “Site Language” dropdown
    4. Go to wp-admin/update-core.php
    5. Click “Update translations”, when available
    6. Core translations files are downloaded, when available

    Hi @andrewmrobbins ,

    In my case define 'WPLANG' constant, doesn’t change the language.
    Only setting the website language in wp-admin/options-general.php perform the changes.

    So, if I put define ('WPLANG', 'fr_FR'); this doesn’t work. But if I change the language to “French” from the wp-admin/options-general.php page, the plugin will translated.

    Now my issue still the same: I open the wpshopify.pot file, make the new translation files called 'wpshopify-it_IT.po' and 'wpshopify-it_IT.mo', by translating to Italian language the most part of front-end strings, then I put the files inside /wp-shopify-pro/languages, sets the website language to Italian, but the front-end strings still in English.

    I make a copy of the original 'wpshopify-fr_FR-wpshopify-public.json', by edit some strings, and saved as new 'wpshopify-it_IT-wpshopify-public.json'. Put the file inside /wp-shopify-pro/languages folder, and it works!

    So I understand that I need to make also the Json files, but I don’t know how!
    That’s because the .pot contains all the strings than Json files, which are distinct in: admin, blocks, public, wizard.

    Moreover: putting the files inside /wp-content/languages/plugins folder, doesn’t work! That means I need to reload my custom translation’s files everytime I will update the plugin.
    That’s not very understandable way to respect the standard way of WP translations.

    @andrewmrobbins There are also some strings which never translated.

    For example, in front-end single-product display: Quantity and Size, still always in english. Also in cart view Only %s left! string, never change.

    Just tried to sets an existing translation (for example ‘French’) and the problem still the same.

    Please check this issue, I bought the pro-version, and I haven’t any option to change the strings. I have to write some jQuery rows to manually overwrite the strings (bad practice).

    Another translating issue is: the subtotal in cart view, always set ‘0,00 USD’ even if the setting is set to show symbol; it get the EUR symbol properly ONLY if the subtotal is > zero, but that’s could be a bad UX for many users.
    Thanks in advance.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by giangel84.
    Plugin Author andrewmrobbins



    Thanks for all the feedback.

    Regarding the currency symbol, this will be fixed in the next plugin update (3.1.0). Once out, you can override / set the currency code by adding the following JavaScript to your theme:

    wp.hooks.addFilter("misc.pricing.defaultCurrencyCode", "wpshopify", function (
    ) {
      return "EUR";

    I’m working on making the translations better and will make sure to get those other strings translated.

    The JSON files are kinda tricky to make, but you should be able to do it with the .pot file. Here’s a guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aaen-C__Tfw

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