There are no options for this but it can be accomplished with custom css. Each html section has unique classes assigned which allow some tweaking via css. The browser’s builtin code inspector shows these classes. Please update to version 5.0.6 before you try below solution.
At your weather page, click on the “Layout” tab and scroll down to the “Custom CSS” box. Copy and paste the following 3 lines into the custom css box and save:
.climacon.climacon-moonrise, .climacon.climacon-moonset { display:none; }
.owmw-moonrise::before { content: “\00a0Moonrise\00a0”; }
.owmw-moonset::before { content: “\00a0Moonset\00a0”; }
This will hide the moonrise/set icons and print the text instead. (“\00a0” is a non-breaking space to separate the labels from the time value.)