ah, sorry, my code contains a mistake. All of the lines need to have a comma at the end, like
.tablepress-id-2 .row-71 td,
.tablepress-id-2 .row-75 td,
.tablepress-id-2 .row-81 td,
.tablepress-id-2 .row-85 td {
background-color: #ff0000;
Sorry that I missed this…
And yes, this needs to be done for each row individually. I do have an idea to turn this into a TablePress Extension plugin, that can do this automatically. This is a lot of work though, and is more than what I can offer as free support. If you are interested, we could try to work something out professionally though. In that case, please send me an email (the address is in the main plugin file “tablepress.php”.)