Hi Adam,
I new in the “WR World”.
I have nearly the same problem and I tried what you have descried to Dayssam. It did not work in my case.
I will tell you what I want to have :
2 columns : left side with text and background color under this container. On the right container a picture with no background color(transparent). It seems to be simple ??
So I added a row in the WR Pagebuilder main side, spitted it with the tool “Add column” on the right side to 2 columns.
Then I added an “Element Text” on the left side and I entered some text.
For the right I added a “Element Image” and choose a picture.
Until here – no problem.
Now I tried to change the background of the Text container on the left side, but I did not find a possibility how to do that.
I tried the same with the table element – without success.
How can I do that, left container with background color and right container without color ?
Thx for your help