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  • Plugin Contributor Adam



    If you choose to edit a column, then switch to tab Styling, you will see option to set unique class via “CSS Class” or “CSS ID”. Then go back to page / post edit page, hit button Custom CSS and define background color there.

    If you can provide your site url, I might let you know exactly how to do that.

    Hi Adam,
    I new in the “WR World”.

    I have nearly the same problem and I tried what you have descried to Dayssam. It did not work in my case.

    I will tell you what I want to have :
    2 columns : left side with text and background color under this container. On the right container a picture with no background color(transparent). It seems to be simple ??

    So I added a row in the WR Pagebuilder main side, spitted it with the tool “Add column” on the right side to 2 columns.
    Then I added an “Element Text” on the left side and I entered some text.
    For the right I added a “Element Image” and choose a picture.
    Until here – no problem.

    Now I tried to change the background of the Text container on the left side, but I did not find a possibility how to do that.

    I tried the same with the table element – without success.

    How can I do that, left container with background color and right container without color ?

    Thx for your help

    Hi Adam,

    I played a little bit around with the CSS code and I got following result :

    But I want to have that the whole text container, same size as the right side, has this background color.


    Plugin Contributor Adam


    Hi @wetbike01,

    You can follow these steps :

    1. Choose to edit row >>> in Custom CSS >>> define unique class name, for example custom-block

    2. Remove the background color of row, open file root_folder/wp-content/themes/argo/assets/css/style.css then add this code :

    .custom-block > div:first-child {
         background: #e2017b;

    Hi Adam,

    Worked !!!

    Thank you


    Thread Starter Dayssam


    Thx Adam ,

    but i want to change the background of the whole column not just the text or the tab component.

    Plugin Contributor Adam


    Hi @dayssam,

    Have you tried the solution I suggest above ?

    Hi Adam,

    Again me.
    Today I have upgraded WR Pagebuilder.
    After them, all my pages which I had build with Pagebuider changed their characters settings !
    Have a look on the URL of my last post. You remember, it showed correctly all characters.

    I controlled my database all was set to UTF8.

    What can I do to get it re-work correctly.

    Thanks for you help

    To compare the results, I created 2 pages with the same text, fonts etc.
    One build with Pagebuilder, the second with standard TinyMCE editor.

    Here the results :
    Pagebuider :
    without Pagebuilder :

    Even in the “Text Settings” window on the right preview side, its already shown wrong. But the left side showed it correctly.

    Try it and you will see it.

    Can I rollback to previous version of Pagebuider ?
    Where I can I download it ?

    Thanks for your help

    Plugin Contributor Adam



    Please try the solution here and let me know the result.

    Best regards,


    Hi Adam,

    Thanks for your very quick answer.
    I just made the modifications.

    I can confirm, bug ix fixed !

    Have a look on the URL I sent you.

    Great 5 stars support !!!!


    Plugin Contributor Adam


    Hi @wetbike01,

    Glad to hear that your problem has been fixed. If you still have any question or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to let me know.

    Best regards,


    Hi Admin,

    I just install the 2.4.6 update and the bug is back !
    Must we change each time these lines to get special characters work ?
    Why do you not use UTF-8 by default, which supports nearly any language ?



    Plugin Contributor Adam


    Hi Harry,

    Actually the problem appear when you’re using old PHP version only, the recommended solution is to request your hosting provider to update your current PHP version as suggested in this topic.

    Best regards,


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