We do not generally help you troubleshoot or provide specific directions for custom code modifications, we are here to help with the plugin’s functionality (which there is no UI option to change the color of the validation asterisk). There are many resources available that can point you in the right direction:
If you’re adding CSS to your site, again here are our recommendations for where to put your code, recommended themes, tutorials, and other best practices. https://calderaforms.com/doc/adding-custom-style-caldera-forms/
On the documentation page for any of our hooks, for example this one https://calderaforms.com/doc/caldera_forms_render_get_field/, there is a panel at the end with the header “Where Does This Code Go?” That gives you links to introductory articles about what WordPress hooks are, why you use them and how to use them. It may be worthwhile to review these to make sure your code is somewhere where it will work with Caldera Forms.
Caldera Forming is our community forum. As a part of this community, you can ask fellow Caldera Forms users for help with custom code and design and learning to implement CSS. https://www.facebook.com/groups/651862761663883
If you’re looking for comprehensive assistance in developing your site (as opposed to small code modifications), or if you’d rather leave the customization to the professionals, consider reaching out to someone from our list of recommended developers: https://calderaforms.com/recommended-developers/.
All of our developer documentation for tutorials and troubleshooting help. https://calderaforms.com/category/developer-api/
With all that said, is it not possible to call the label div by id (which is a uniquely generated number based on form) and then apply your styles to span elements to override #ee0000?