• I would like to make the title on all pages smaller. When I edit/create a page I get the opportunity to change the size of the text in the body of the page using the format toolbar provided (e.g. I can select ‘Heading 1, Heading 2 etc.). However, no such toolbar is provided for the page title.

    Secondly, how do I change the font type / size of the body of a page if I don’t like what is provided in the ‘format’ drop down box (where I’m restricted to selecting only Headings 1…Headings 6).

    Thanks in advance…

    Tony Garciaserra.

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  • You will need to edit your theme’s stylesheet.

    Thread Starter tonyg123


    Ok. I’m a newbie to this kind of thing. Can you direct me to documentation / tutorials that will tell me know to change the font size of text by editing the stylesheet? Sounds like it will require knowledge of xml or html.

    Thanks for the quick response.

    Take a look at this video https://youtu.be/kPb-WOgERr0 entire explanation is there ??


    Hope “Emil” reply will help!

    If you post your theme’s link here, i will definitely figure out that for you.

    [sig moderated as per the Forum Rules]

    Thread Starter tonyg123


    Thanks gentlemen. I’ll check out the link emil gave me and see how it goes.

    Much appreciated….

    Thread Starter tonyg123


    The link Emil provided was helpful. I’m learning fast with the resources that have been provided. However, I’ve discovered something along the way that may solve most of my current issues and would like to take you up on the offer to look at my blog.

    The link is https://oblog.garciaserra.com/oblog

    Here’s the main issue in a nutshell: I purchased the veer theme specifically with the intent of using the simple layout (as opposed to the 2 or 3 col layout). You’ll see on my site that I’ve implemented it. However, the font sizes on my site do not match the font sizes on the demo version of the veer template (simple layout).

    In particular, the title of each post on my site is much larger than the title of the sample posts on the demo version.

    Right now fixing this is the biggest concern. There are about three other adjustments/tweeks I need to be able to make but they can wait for now.

    Again, thanks in advance for the help.


    P.S. – I haven’t edited the code at all. I am hoping that there is something simple in the way I have configured the theme that will fix this. I’ll wait to hear back from you…

    In your wordpress dashboard, goto appearance>editor

    Look on the right hand side for reset.css and click on it to open it for editing.

    Add the following code:

    H2.posttitle A
    	font-size: 14pt;

    Change 14 to whatever number you want to adjust the size.
    have fun!

    PS. You can change the page titles while you are in there by adding this code:

    H2.posttitle A
    	font-size: 17pt;
    Thread Starter tonyg123


    Thanks mydanblog. I was able to find the spots in the style sheet where the heading font sizes are changed. I opted to use em values instead of hardcoding the info.

    The issue of changing font sizes has been resolved.

    Time to move onto the next few items I need to fix…

    I have the same problem with changing the size of the page title.
    I’ve searched on different forums, and I’ve found different solutions.
    Some people recomended to change the style.css here I’ve found the idee to add some code into reset.css file.

    Are there other possible files that need modification?
    Thanks !

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