• Please, I tried many times and tried to figure out how to change the font size for the template — Blue text in the sidebar, but the result is not good at all, it mess up my blog (www.marketingbyann.com)

    1. How to change the font size to let it works well in both IE and Firefox?

    2. How to add the bullet point in the sidebar?

    Thank you for your help.

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  • Spencerp, I have it uploaded right now – take a look


    Have you moved the search bar recently? Cos it wasn’t there when I worked on this yesterday. Also, as I explained, all you needed to do was alter the test post css so that the test post fits snugly under your wordpress box.

    I can play with it now, if you want.

    Katie1, omfg…it’s there but yet screwy looking lmao!! Mmm, maybe someone else should try converting this template into a WordPress theme. Mmm..It’s good though getting this help, but maybe the theme itself is just crap lol… =) (Nah, it’s a good template though..)

    It looks just fine in IE6 though, however Firefox is a different story…mmm.. Were getting there, almost can taste it hehe… =)


    OK. I don’t know what machine you’re using, or what browsers, either but I’ve just checked using:

    IE6, FF, Opera, Net, Moz

    and in answer to your original cry for help, everything looks perfect. Your containing layer is holding your header and, well, everything else, centered, as its supposed to given what I started with yesterday.

    Yes, your test post is sitting far too high – it needs to be tweaked so that it sits directly under your WordPress Box.

    You have moved the searchbox recently, too, because when I fixed your layout yesterday is was sitting above your Note box right side top. Now it isn’t.

    I’ve also just had a thorough look at your template files – and OMG what a mess. Seriously, I’m happy to help, but your files are calling php functions sometimes thrice, and in multiple templates. Take your call for your footer – you’ve inserted core html AND php footer in your index template, PLUS you call your footer php code again in your footer template.

    If you trust me enough to play, I’ll clean your templates up so that they don’t produce scatterd and duplicate html and tweak your stylesheet appropriately.

    Its your call – I WON’T go any further unless you direct me otherwise.


    Ok, calm down Katie1. =) I’m using Windows XP Home Edition, running on a Linux server by the host. I’m just using Microshit IE6 and Firefox, to view it. I didn’t mean to sound ignorant about it…after all you’re helping me with this. Sometimes when I post, it might seem very ignorant, but really I’m not being that way, it’s just usually sarcasm.

    I’ll try and cut down on that then I guess. =) But, if you want to play with it or anyone else wants to play with it, it’s cool with me. This template or “theme” I mean was just coverted by this brett7481 guy over at: https://openwebdesign.org/forum/topic.php?id=6221&f=1

    It’s all cool Katie1, you have my permission to do whatever with it. =) Just for some reason it’s not displaying right for me, mmm…I dunno. You got all the permissions to edit whatever… and I’m very greatfull of your help. =)


    Believe me, I’m very calm and in no way heated and for what its worth, you haven’t offended me at all. Everything that’s been passed here and now is in no way personal.

    And, for the record, I’m an exceedingly calm person, always – I guess my profession demands it of me and it sort of seeps into my private life.

    But having said that, I am also a writer by very nature, and I can convey what I need addressed with disgustingly eloquent ease. So, from one lighthearted person to the next, chill Spencerp – I’m happy to help you.

    In response to your info, I’ll clean your templates and fix your css problems. Who ever designed the original template files needs to stop drinking when he/she types. Seriously, it’s not that bad – just clean up tactics need to be deployed.

    I’ll get back to you with a finished verison in a day or so.


    Ok, thanks a bunch Kate. =)


    <bites tongue, and tries to hold it in> Damn, I’m about to explode lmao!! But calm down spencerp, just calm down… ok …I’m calm…. I’m calm… thinking peacefully… ahh yes.. <sips more beer> mmm good…

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