Hi there!
I made this change to the list styles in the last update and am still trying to find the best way to implement this.
If you set the list-style-position to “inside” the list bullet will line up with the edge of the rest of the text. However, then multiline list items will wrap to also be lined up on this edge, and this doesn’t look very good. The solution is to keep the list style position set to “outside” but to also add a 1em padding. However, since ul are sometimes used for navigation or other elements, I don’t want to add this automatically to all lists. The way this is usually handled is require users to add a class to lists that are to be styled.
This is not so great at the moment, but with Gutenberg coming, I will be able to create an interface for doing this more easily.
For now add this CSS to your site.
ul, ol {list-style-position: inside}`
To make it so the bullets are in a gutter and the list text doesn’t wrap, add a class to the list and style like so:
.tr-list {
list-style-position: outside;
padding-left: 1em;
Let me know what you think about the idea of needing to add a class to the list to add “extra” styling.