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  • Plugin Contributor Scott Kingsley Clark


    For Advanced Content Types, you can choose which fields directly in the Pods ‘Admin UI’ tab of the edit pod screen.

    For Post Types and other content types, you can try using this plugin which provides you with many options:

    Is there a way to choose which of the ACT fields enabled as Admin Table Columns is used for the default sorting in the admin UI, and whether to sort ASC or DESC? by default, Name is used for sorting.

    the closest thing i see is picking a different field as ‘Title Field’ under ‘Advanced Options’, but i’m not sure if this has other implications, and i think the default is to sort ASCending and there is no way to make DESCending the default.

    i could use pods_ui_manage() for this, but i wonder if i’m missing something obvious for this in the admin interface.

    Plugin Contributor Josh Pollock


    You will need to use the orderby param in pods_ui() for this.

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