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  • Great feature suggestion Saberj. I’ll add an option that says automatically place a player at the beginning / ending of a post.



    Hi Cavemonkey50 and thanks for an alternative to PodPress.

    Im attempting to import my PodPress posts but on clicking import get this error:

    “Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /home/somefool/public_html/path/to/wp-content/plugins/podcasting/podpress_importer.php on line 53”

    the code around line 53 is
    $podcast = unserialize($data[‘meta_value’]);
    $podcast[0][‘post_id’] = $data[‘post_id’];
    $podcast[0][‘itunes’] = unserialize($itunes_info[0][‘meta_value’]);

    Any fixes would be greatly appreciated




    I just checked in a potential fix. Let me know if it works.



    I get this

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/somefool/public_html/path/to/cms/wp-content/plugins/podcasting/podpress_importer.php on line 71

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/somefool/public_html/path/to/cms/wp-content/plugins/podcasting/podpress_importer.php on line 71

    Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /home/somefool/public_html/path/to/cms/wp-content/plugins/podcasting/podpress_importer.php on line 88



    Try the latest again. If this doesn’t resolve it, what version of PHP is your server running?



    Should I be getting the latest from here ?



    Now says

    Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /home/somefool/public_html/fawcettmade/cms/wp-content/plugins/podcasting/podpress_importer.php on line 54

    php is version 5.2.5



    If possible, could you send me a database dump of your WordPress install. The main table I need to look at is wp_postmeta. Something is weird in your install, and having that table would help figure out the issue.



    I forgot to mention where to send it to. Email me at ron at cavemonkey50 dot com.




    Thread Starter a666


    Great feature suggestion Saberj. I’ll add an option that says automatically place a player at the beginning / ending of a post.

    Is it already implemented? Right now I already have 3k podcasts with autoplacement, and will be try it soon.



    No, it has not been implemented yet. I’m a college student and I’ve been swamped with work as late, and unfortunately have not found the time to work on adding functionality lately.



    try the plugin. if you have an enclosure on your post, the wp-audioplayer plugin can auto insert a flash player for you.

    I’m trying to patch the importer to work with WPMU. The only obvious change that I can see in the code is to change the name of the postmeta table to follow the WPMU naming convention. So in the file, wherever I see


    I’ve changed it to


    This is a quick hack that would only run the script for the first blog, but it should work. When I run it, I get the error:

    Successfully imported 0 podcasts.

    Does anyone else see any other changes that are necessary to get the importer to work with WPMU?

    I have been looking into getting the importer working with WPMU.

    What you changed will probably not work. $wpdb->postmeta is a variable, and I don’t think there is a variable for $wpdb->wp_1_postmeta. I would try just removing that area and replacing it with ‘wp_1_postmeta’. That should work.

    Let me know your findings.

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